December 3, 2005

Back row - David, Harris, Tim, Cheryl, Terry, Ed, Krystal. Middle row - Denise, Morgan (the little one) and Suze. Sitting - John (my Dad), me and Dean.
Christmas is certainly creeping up on us. Dean and I went shopping today and have completed the gift buying process - now to wrap.
It was hard to get into the Christmas spirit today as the temperature was in the 70's with a beautiful blue, sunny sky. Not at all like the Christmas shopping weather I remember as a child in Pennsylvania - burrrr. It certainly did a lot to put you in the mood for Christmas though. I miss the "old" days of shopping downtown and looking at the animated displayes in the department store windows - where have they gone?
We are still at Rainbow Plantation in Summerdale, AL. Looks like we will be here until December 16th, then we head for Pensacola, FL to Carpenters Campers for some routine maintenance work on the Mobile Suite. Since we purchased it "pre-loved" we don't know much about what maintenance was done on it, so we are going to have it completely checked over before heading west.
Just a few more doctor appointments to get out of the way. I'm so looking forward to the day we can say no appointments, we're free (well, at least until next years checkups).
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