Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bridgeport, TX

Picture from Farmington, NM

We are now settled in at Bay Landing, a 1000 Trails Park near Bridgeport, TX. We left Albuquerque last Saturday after listening to the weather report that was predicting some bad weather for the area. We guessed because of the weather that there would be no more balloon activity and we were right.

We spent Saturday and Sunday night at Tucumcari, NM in some rockin and rollin weather. The wind got so bad we pulled in the passenger side slide to keep from rocking so much. Monday morning it had stopped raining and the wind wasn't as bad so we left for Goodlett, TX. After a little more white knuckle driving we stopped at Ole Town Cotton Gin RV Park for the night. A nice park but the rain kept me from getting out to get pictures. It rained hard all night long. In the morning we found ourselves surrounded by big puddles so decided to wait awhile and let it soak in. We left around 10 am for Bridgeport and after a couple of hours of driving in mist, fog and light winds, it finally began clearing. The rest of yesterday was a mix of showers and sun so it wasn't to bad.

After getting fuel in Wichita Falls we got back on the road with Dean driving. All of a sudden I saw something fly past the drivers side window. What was that I hollered! Dean said he didn't know. I looked up and saw that the concave mirror on the drivers side was missing from the rear view mirror! Fortunately it didn't hit the side of the coach or the Jeep and there was no one close behind us. A call to Tiffin at Red Bay has a replacement on it's way to us.

This morning we woke to more clouds and heavy mist. I'll be glad when this front finally gets through here and we see some real sunshine!

We will be here until Sunday. We are going to MCD Innovations in McKinney, TX to get new blinds. I'm not a big fan of the traditional pleated day/night shades. We are going to be fitted with the new sunscreen shades and blinds. I've seen them in new motorhomes and our friends Jack & Danielle have them installed in their 5'er and they look great. They went for the electric controlled ones, but I'm cheap, we'll do the manual. Besides, the electric would be one more thing to break down! I'll post some pictures after we have them installed.

I guess my posts will start slowing down now as we are not doing any sightseeing. From here it will be get back to Alabama for doctor appointments and to settle my father's estate. Of course there are the holidays coming up and that will keep us busy. Hopefully after then we will be able to return to the highway and byways.

Till next time - stay safe....


At 15/10/08 3:54 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

rain, rain, rain. i have had enough. wouldn't it be nice to drive in the sun. hopefully soon
drive safely

At 15/10/08 5:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jan and Dean,

We sneaked away for a few days to Oregon. We will head back to Dad's place for the winter and who knows what the future will bring.

We had been planning to go down to Southern California for a holiday visit. I'm not sure it will work out. I sure would love to be in the South East for this winter but again, it won't work with our family responsibilities.

I'm enjoying seeing your posts and photos. I know we'll be back on the road at some point so I'm keeping notes on places you go that we would enjoy.

Blessings to you both,


At 16/10/08 4:42 PM , Blogger Richard Pillers n Shirley Talley said...

we to Texas ya'll.

At 21/10/08 9:00 PM , Blogger Richard Pillers n Shirley Talley said...

lets try that again

welcome to Texas ya'll.

Im going to Mercedes, TX again for the winter. Yes, she is working and we will be apart till next March.

You guys have fun and enjoy the sights, esp in east Texas piny woods.



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