May Day at Live Oak Assisted Living
In case you do not know, my Dad is a resident at Live Oak Assisted Living in Foley, AL. Today was their May Day Festival and Dean and I attended the festivities. It started around 10 am with the presentation of the court. It was so touching, seeing these young at heart individuals being honored. They were all "elected" by the other residents which number around 80. My Dad was a "Lord" of the court. Here is a picture of him being escorted by another residents granddaughter.

Following the presentation there was live music, free health checks, a "flea market" type booth (My Dad's) and a cake walk. I participated in the cake walk and won twice! Me who never wins anything. The first time I picked a single layer Red Velvet since it was small and would be just right for Dean and me. The second time I picked a Double Chocolate Fudge cake with Chocolate icing - yummy. I'm taking it to church tomorrow as we are having dinner on the grounds after services.
Later in the day they had a May Pole event. The residents watched as some of the staff and their children did the May Pole. Very colorful. Here are a couple of pictures. The main entrance to the facility is in the background.

All in all it was a very nice day spent with my Dad, who I'll add is a young 86.
Nice picture of your Dad, Janice. So glad he can move around at 86. Great genes!
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