Goodbye Yuma - Hello Ajo
Good bye Yuma ... Foothills on the north side of I-8...........

After spending almost a month in Yuma, we bid it farewell this morning. Dean and I were both ready for a change. We found that we were getting more or less bored as we had done and seen everything in Yuma that we wanted to. We spent a good bit of time visiting friends, going out to eat and sightseeing, but things slowed way down this past Monday and even though we had stuff to do to get ready to leave, the evenings were long. We thought that we might get invited to some friends lot in the foothills to sit around and chat in the evening but guess they had plans or were busy also. We did enjoy visiting our neighbors that were sharing the lot we were parked on.
The drive from Yuma to Ajo was interesting. Part of it we we had seen when driving to Yuma. One thing that I didn't notice when arriving in Yuma was the crazy I-8! Before realizing it, the eastbound lanes were actually on the north side and the westbound lanes were on the southern side - weird. Coming to Yuma, I guess I was so excited and busy watching the scenery that I didn't notice the eastbound lanes cross over us. It sure made you feel like you were driving on the wrong side of the interstate.
The drive on Hwy 85 from Gila Bend to Ajo was more or less interesting. Most of the drive was through the Barry Goldwater AF Training Range. I kept looking for approaching aircraft, but this was the only one I saw.

We passed through an area called Crater Range. We saw what looked to be a lot of volcanic rock along the road and the hills were very dark. Obviously the area of volcano action many years ago. The pictures don't do it justice, but here the are anyway......

Arriving in Ajo, we found our campground , Shadow Ridge RV Resort and got set up. Have a nice view of a large hill behind us, but the sunset tonight was not a pretty one, so no picture. The campground is all gravel, but not a lot of it, so there is quite a bit of dust. Glad we will only be here two night. We just had the MS washed and waxed and now it's getting dirty again. I guess that is life on the road - LOL. This is a PA park but does not offer the discount until the end of March. We paid $24 a night for FHU, cable and free wi-fi. Not to bad.
We drove out to the pit this afternoon - they mine copper here. If we have a chance tomorrow, we will visit the museum and get more information on the mining. Here is a picture of the pit - that's water at the bottom..... it kind of reminds me of a very large amphitheater, the way it's cut out.......don't know why they put poles where they have a place for picture taking???
This is the train station in Ajo...Spanish Colonial architecture......
Tomorrow we're off to see the Pipe Organ Cactus, come on back....
Janice - please accept my apology!! Things were kind of in a mess when we arrived on Tuesday and when we finally got set up next door, had lunch etc., we were exhausted! Wednesday and Thursday, I had the first migraine I have had since we retired, but it was a doozy. I was just not thinking about anything but myself!! So sorry!! We would have loved to visit with you guys. You should have come in and knocked on the door!!
We are looking forward to seeing more of you in Casa Grande. Have fun looking at the cactus!
It wasn't you! We had this discussion - remember? Anyway, I guess I should take that comment out of the blog, I was just putting down my hurn feelings and I shouldn't do that. See you someplace on Sunday.
Hi Janice
We are on the board. We are in Virginia and it's 20 degrees. I can't wait till I feel the fun. it looks so warm were you are.
Here we come sunshine.
ok i'm typing on the wrong keys.
we started at 9 this morning and arrived in Virginia at 3. I'm so tired and it's so cold. It's 20 degrees now and I can't wait to get to Florida and feel the sunshine. We will start blogging soon.
keep warm !
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