Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Back To Custer State Park & Deadwood

Even though the day started out overcast, we drove back to Custer State Park to drive the "Wildlife Loop". Upon entering the park, we saw several pronghorn deer, so we were hopeful that the wildlife would be plentiful today. We drove and drove and still only saw more deer. Where where the buffalo?

About mid point on the drive there is a visitors center so we stopped in to inquire about the wildlife. It seems the buffalo have moved "off road" to a more remote area. But, the good news was there were gravel roads open to the public, that we could take back to where they were. Off we went and after about five miles we rounded a corner and there they were, maybe about 500 buffalo of all sizes. We stopped along the road and just watched them for about 20 min. There were a lot of Mom's with their young along with many big males. Maybe it's their size but they sure do fascinate me.

We continued on the gravel road back to the main loop road. We spotted a few lone buffalo along the way, somehow separated from the herd.

Next we came upon some wild burro's that where blocking traffic, looking for handouts. We had seen some when we drove the Needles Highway, but I didn't know that we were going to see more. Had I known, I would have come prepared with some carrots for them. They are brazen - they come right up to the vehicles licking at the windows, looking for treats. They are kinda cute. There was one frisky one in the bunch as you will see when you look at the pictures.

Finishing up the loop we saw many more pronghorn deer and also passed the Prairie Dog Village. There where many of those little critters there, busy doing what ever it is that they do. It was on the local news a couple of nights ago that the local farmers where having quite a lot of trouble with the prairie dogs ruining their crops and they were working with the state to eliminate/move them. Seeing the mounds they dig for their home, I can see how they would be a problem to the farmers.

Leaving Custer State Park we decided to return to Deadwood to visit Kevin Costner's Tatanka: Story of the Bison. The pamphlet indicated that not only would we see the bronze sculptures but also interactive displays, tipis, cultural demonstrations, storytelling and music. Well the bronze sculptures where there and we watched a 20 min. video telling the story behind Kevin Costner building this attraction. Inside there were displays of some artifacts and costumes from Dances with Wolves and outside there were tipis and the sculptures, but that was it! Quite disappointing considering the price of admission, not to mention driving 40 miles to see this. To top it off, the sun was behind the sculptures therefore preventing me from getting good pictures of them. Costner's love for the native American Indian's and wanting to do something to make others aware of their plight is understandable. The story of the Buffalo Jump is interesting and his attempt to relay it through the sculptures is good, but, unless this attraction can provide what it says it will, I am afraid it will get a bad reputation and be by-passed by many.

All in all, it was a good day and the sky cleared to a beautiful blue.

Tomorrow we leave Rapid City for points east. See ya down the road....


At 22/8/07 3:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are so lucky you have blue skies. it's pouring in new jersey.
happy trails


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