Friday, November 07, 2008

Heading Back South

We have had a good week in Montgomery visiting with Suze, David and Morgan. Unfortunately, all good things do come to an end and we will be heading back to Baldwin County tomorrow morning. It will be great to get in touch with some of our friends that live in the area and get back to church regularly.

Next week we will begin the doctor routine by donating our blood for analysis. I hate doing that as my veins always run and hide when they come at me with the needle! Dean on the other hand is a easy stick. Why can't I be that lucky?

I will also begin to work at closing my Dad's estate. It's not that there is much as far as material items are concerned as over the past couple of years we have held several yard sales when he moved and that eliminated almost all of the furniture. The few pieces he had at the assisted living facility where claimed by my sister, niece, nephews, son and daughter when he died. It's just the strife of getting it done and behind me. I just pray it goes smoothly.

I'm anxious for the doctor stuff to be behind so we can make plans for the winter. South Texas sounds good to us, although, it's been nice here in Montgomery this week. Lows in the 40/50's and highs in the 70's. Supposed to rain today but it's needed.

I'll be back, just not sure when. I guess when ever something fun happens. Till then....


At 8/11/08 10:05 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

We have been going to the doctors too. It seems that what happens when we get back home too. We are going to our grandson's first birthday in two weeks and then Thanksgiving. What a nice holiday! Keep in touch


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