Luckenbach, TX
We found it! Luckenbach, TX that is. I can see why they say that so many visitors miss it and have to turn around. For one thing, when the highway department puts up a new sign at the intersection where you turn, someone takes it as a souvenir. The town, which consists of about four buildings and says it has a population of 3, was having a Texas Independence Day festival today. The festivities included a trail ride of about 100 horses, a chuckwagon team that was cooking up a pot of Texas chili, and music - country of course. We arrived to late to see the trail ride begin and left before they got back. We did have a bowl of the chili and ohhh, it was good. True Texas chili does not have any beans in it - meat only. I was talking to one of the cooks after we ate and he gave me a pack of the seasoning that was used. I will be trying it real soon - yes, I do cook occasionally.
Here is the proof that we were there. The Post Office is now the General Store. Dean bought a hat and I got a fly swatter - what's wrong with that picture?

The picture above shows two other buildings that make up Luckenbach and some of the crowd.
After leaving Luckenbach we went to Wildseed Farms east of Fredericksburg. If you are into yard stuff, including plants, pots, and things, this is the place for you. They also have two gift shops, one with breakable stuff and the other with food stuff. In the shop with the dish wares etc., I looked down at a table that had table runners on it and saw a cat, that at first I thought was one of those full size ceramic cats - but no, it was real! This was the second store that had a live cat that apparently has free roaming rights, the first was in Luckenbach at the General Store. Anyway, there were so many pretty things, I'm so glad that I don't have a brick n stick house anymore, I would have gone broke buying. A lot of the items had Bluebonnets on it. Unfortunately, we are here to early to see them blooming - darn! We did buy a jar of "Wickels". These are pickles that have a hot spice added. The name came from Wicked pickles. If you ever get to this area of Texas, this is a must stop. Be sure to have a dish of the home made peach ice cream and if one dish isn't enough, you can get a refill for only 25 cents. Below is a picture of the Wildseed Farm. Notice the cactus in the foreground.

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