He Made It - Congratulations Shane!!
Last evening was an unforgettable event for my nephew Shane - he graduated from Gulf Shores High School. I tried to remember back to my graduation and then decided it was so long ago and would remind me of my age so I said forget it - LOL!
Late afternoon we had a thunderstorm that dumped quite a bit of rain in the area of the stadium where the graduation services were held. For a while we wondered if they would have to postpone, but the sky cleared and all was well.
I felt really bad that my sister couldn't be at her son's graduation ceremony. Unfortunately, she is still in the hospital and the doctor said "NO" to giving her a pass because her infection count was to high. She did not need to be in a crowd where she would be susceptible to catching anything. Her oldest son did have her on the cell phone when Shane's name was called so she did get to hear it. She seemed happy with that when I talked to her today.
In the first picture, Shane is the second from the left in the row standing. The second picture is Shane with his grandfather (my Dad). Shane was the last of the grandchildren (my Dad's) to graduate from HS. Now he will be working on the great-grandkids.

The first picture is my sister's three children - Shawn, Shannon & Shane - try saying that three times fast - LOL! The second picture is Shane with the love of his life - Stephanie - who also graduated last night.

Tomorrow we move to Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, AL where we will stay for a week.
Till later.....
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