Grand Canyon Part 2
We just didn't get enough of such a Grand place so on Thursday, we decided to drive back to the Grand Canyon. Well, we actually rode with Henry and Anne which made it even nicer, letting someone else do the driving.
The day started out overcast but eventually the sun did come out from behind the clouds. Some of today's pictures have a little more color because of this. Not only did it help with picture taking, but kept us a little warmer also. When we arrived at our first overlook, the wind was blowing so hard and it was so cold, I was wearing gloves and a wool scarf! By afternoon, it was almost warm enough to get rid of the jackets! What strange weather. OK, enough talk about that and on to our day.
We drove the road that goes to the East of where we were yesterday. You are still looking at pretty much the same part of the canyon, but just at a different angle. If some of these pictures look similar to the ones posted in my previous post, that's because they are. As I said before, the Grand Canyon is something that needs to be experienced personally to get the full impact of just how big and grand it is. Pictures just don't begin to do it justice, no matter how pretty they are.
With that said, here are some more pictures taken the second trip back to the canyon.
Isis temple...... This is why some people fall into the canyon and die.......

More views of the Grand Canyon.....

Here we are.....

And a couple more views of the canyon.....

We saw these cute little critters - mule deer - as we were leaving the park headed home....
He's got a good size rack on him.....

Cute baby......

We had a great day with Henry and Anne, as we always do, and ended the evening with dinner at Pancho McGillicudy's - what a name, but the food was Mexican. Not the best I've had, but OK. The company made it great!
We are hoping to get to the north rim of the canyon when we head into Utah. Check back....
I love your pictures. We are in West Virginia now and it's pouring rain. It's no fun.
Great pics. After you go to the north rim, continue north and go to Monument Valley and take the whole guided tour. You think the GC is beautiful, the private tour of MV tops it. Safe travels.
Great photos
Hi guys!
We're headed for Sedona tomorrow. Got any tips for us? Did you eat at the Cowboy Cafe (?). I've been told they have killer prickly pear french fries and a special margarita. We'll be there for 4 days before heading to Yellowstone.
Great pics of Vegas! There's a WHOLE lot more to see. Enjoy!
Garry & Jenny
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