Awesome Niagara Falls
For those who have been to Niagara Falls, you understand the title - for those who haven't been, it should be on your don't miss list.
We saved $5.00 and parked just outside the Niagara Falls State Park, parking in the park is $10.00. The walk was about a block to get to the visitors center and looking at the parking lot that is in the park, it was actually about the same distance away. We bought a Discovery Pass that includes riding the Maid of the Mist, Cave of the Winds, Niagara Gorge Discovery Center, Niagara Aquarium and the movie, Niagara - Legends of the Adventure.
We began our time at Niagara State Park taking the Maid of the Mist boat ride. Dean and I had done this several years ago, but the thrill is still the same. This time we were smart and opted to stay downstairs where you don't get as wet as you do upstairs. When the boat gets close to the Canadian Falls it's like you are in a hard rain shower with wind. We at least had some protection. Suze opted to go upstairs to the open deck. When the ride was over and we met back up, she was a little wet!!
I just can't decide where the falls are the most beautiful - looking up at them or looking across at them or looking down on them. What do you think. Let me know after you look at the tons of pictures that I will be posting on Picasa.
Being on the US side had it's advantages. You can get right up beside the river and witness the power of the water first hand, before it goes over the falls. It is awesome. You are right by the rapids, where I believe the trolley hostess said the river falls 25 feet in elevation toward the falls. I can't remember ever seeing water moving so fast! You don't really get to see this on the Canadian side.
Our next stop was Goat Island - this was after a expensive lunch of hamburgers and a drink at the snack bar at the welcome center. I forgot to mention that our Discovery ticket included a all day pass on the parks trolley system. Anyway, we boarded the trolley for the ride to Goat Island where we found even more spectacular view of the falls from river height. After looking around, off we went to the Cave of the Winds tour.
First disappointment - there is no cave!! We donned our special sandals and rain gear and off we went - first a elevator ride down 200 feet through a cut in the rock. Then a long walk through a tunnel - I guess the could call it a cave but it was man made. Then out to a walkway along the side of the hill. Unfortunately there were just to many steps and we opted not to do the entire walkway that takes you to the bottom of Bridal Falls and then brings you back up to the middle of bridal falls to a deck called Hurricane Deck. I've experienced enough hurricane winds and rain so don't really feel like I missed much except for being very close to the falls. There was a handicapped ramp that took you close to Bridal Falls and we walked that. You could sense the force of the water from that point, get wet from the mist and certainly hear the thunder/roar of the water as it hits the bottom of the falls.
The American Falls have a lot of rocks at the bottom and we were told that is where the "cave" used to be. In the 1930's it collapsed killing three people who were touring - a couple on their honeymoon and one other person - how sad. The park just has never changed the name from Cave of the Winds - as we were told, when Walt Disney died, they didn't' change the name of Disney World!
I have to add for my family - be sure and look at the picture of Dean, ready for to go on this tour - it's probably the only time you will ever see him in sandals - LOL!!!
We walked to Terrapin Point - the US side of the Canadian Horseshoe Falls. By this time my legs were beginning to ache so I stayed on the upper level but Suze went down to the point. The water here had such a beautiful green color to it as it began it's fall downward. I've captured, as best I could, this in a couple of my pictures. I hope you enjoy them.
Buy the time we walked back to the snack area it was almost 5pm and we were all getting very tired. We did watch a squirrel getting into the trash can to retrieve his dinner - french fries. He was so cute and you could walk right up and he wouldn't run. I guess he was used to people and was determined to stay for dinner!! Of course I have a couple of pictures of him also.
We rode the trolly back to the Visitor Center and watched the movie Niagara: Legends of Adventure. A very good movie.
Back to the car we went after a little shopping (for Suze) and headed home. It was a wonderful day although it stayed overcast. We actually decided that overcast was good because it kept the temperature down. The only problem with overcast is you don't get the rainbow at the falls.
Six tired puppies (feet) were glad to see the motorhome and it didn't take long before we all were in bed dreaming of tomorrow (actually today) and what is in store - the Canadian side of Niagara Falls plus more.
As I mentioned, I'll be getting my pictures posted at Picasa so be sure to check them out. Meanwhile - Au reviour (hee-hee, not sure I spelled that right but you get my drift).
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