The Wedding - Done!
As you can tell by the title, the wedding day is over. The couple of days prior were hectic and tiring but the end result was well worth it.
Thursday, Suze, Dean & I worked at getting the backdrop up. We used 8 X 10 white tarps from Wal-Mart, tying them in place with bridal net ribbon on a wire that David had put up. We managed to get about half done - very time consuming.
Later in the afternoon Tim & Cheryl arrived from New Iberia, LA. That night we all went out to dinner at Sommers Place, a really good place to eat in Montgomery. What a great time we had. It was so good to see Tim and Cheryl again.
Friday morning we met back at the "house" to finish the decorating. The rest of the backdrops went up quickly since there where two more there to help. Tim was so helpful, putting the lights along the top of the backdrop, running the extensions and anything else that needed done! Cheryl and I took on the task of decorating the arch (pre-lit) with more of the netting and ivy vines. I think we did a great job and thanks to Cheryl, I didn't have to climb on the ladder - she took care of doing the top of the arch.
Suze was busy helping with the backdrops, helping Ann who was the caterer and anything else that happened to pop up that needed done.
Shannon had errands to run during the morning and David had to be at the school till around 11am.
By 3pm the backyard had been transformed into a wedding wonderland - perfect for a sunset wedding!!!
At 6:30 the wedding began and went off without a hitch, well, almost. Taylor who is Shannon's son, walked her down the aisle and was supposed to stand by David but he either forgot or wasn't told and went to sit with friends. A few min. later he did return to stand by David and all was good.
Because it was a backyard wedding, Morgan & Brooke had passed letters out to all the neighbors - front, side and back, informing them of the wedding that would take place and that there would be a reception following with music and that every effort would be taken to attempt to hold the noise level down and end at a decent hour. Well, no problem except the neighbor directly behind has children who came out into their back yard right as the wedding was beginning and tried to peek through the fence and where talking loud saying stuff like "look, they have fire over there" (the torches). Well, Brooke finally said toward the fence "Be Quiet!" It worked, no more kid chatter - way to go Brooke!!!
When you look at the pictures that I posted at Picasa you will see a few of the unity candle. There were actually 6 candles. One for each of the children, Brooke, Taylor & Morgan to use to light one each for David & Shannon. They in turn used theirs to light the big unity candle. A very nice touch, blending two families to one.
The reception was nice with great food. Dean and I stayed till around 8:30 pm then left since we were exhausted. We were told that the party went on till just after midnight. I couldn't have held up that long - old age I guess.
Saturday morning we went back to the house to bid David & Shannon farewell as they left for their honeymoon cruise. I forgot my camera so no pictures of them or the painted truck! Morgan & Brooke did a fine job of decorating the truck that they left in. I'm sure David found a car wash to go through not far down the road. Suze took pictures with her cell phone and when she gets them posted on Facebook, I'll tag a few so ya'll can see them.
After the happy couple left, we all went out for breakfast at Chappy's then back to the house to begin the clean up. Funny how it takes days to decorate and only a few hours to undo it all.
Since Saturday was Dean's & Tim's birthday, Suze cooked a great meal of tri-tip peppercord roast beef, homemade noodles, peas, cole slaw and pickled beets followed by birthday cake. It was also for me since my birthday is Monday. Thanks Suze - your the best daughter anyone could ask for.
This morning Tim & Cheryl left, headed to MS to see his sister, Robin, who is having some medical issues, then on back to New Iberia, LA. It was really great that they could come up for the wedding and birthday's. Especially nice that he could spend his and his dad's birthday together.
The next couple of days will be relax and get errands done, then on Tuesday we will head for Fairhope for a couple of months. Tons of doctor appointments to get out of the way.
Thanks for stopping by and be sure to peek at the wedding pictures.
Till next time - Safe Travels....
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