Parked at Maxwell AFB FamCamp
I haven't posted for a while so thought I drop a line or two.
We arrived at Maxwell AFB FamCamp last Thursday. As we pulled in to register there were two security police cars parked in front of the office with lights on. My first thought was - hum, a robbery? Come to find out that they had pulled the "manager" over for speeding and I'm not sure what else. We were told to move over to the overflow area as it was going to be quite a while before anyone could help us - they had an "incident". That told me it was more than a speeding ticket!
We were going to park in overflow anyway (the sites were all reserved, so we were told when I called) so Dean just went ahead and set up. About one hour later someone arrived to open the office and got us signed in. The security police were still there with the manager not allowed to even get out of her car. Finally after two hours, all three cars left - the two security police and the manager! Found out later that she is relieved of her job but never did find out what the "incident" was - darn!!! I know it was more than speeding.
We spent Memorial Day with David (my son) and family at his house. My Dad and my daughter Suze were there also. We had a very nice day although it was very hot outside. I took my camera but dumb me, forgot to take pictures - no excuse. Dean did take a picture of the food (I thought he was over that from our first cruise pictures). I'll not post it here.
In the evening we watched a DVD that was created by WLOX-TX in Biloxi, MS about hurricane Katrina. It was about 2 hours long and was one of the best documentaries on a hurricane that I've seen. Since we all had lived there for many, many years, it was hard to watch at times, but also made me very proud at the way the people on the Mississippi Gulf Coast have handled the situation - they have a very strong will to come back from all the destruction and are not waiting for someone else to do it for them.
We will be here until Friday when we head to Lake Lanier Island, north of Atlanta, GA with our granddaughter Morgan. Will be posting more after we arrive there.
I've been reading a lot of blogs and it looks like everyone is certainly enjoying themselves. Isn't this life great?
EDIT - Here are a few pictures from Maxwell FamCamp.

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