Friday, June 06, 2008

Montgomery, AL.

Leaving Rainbow Plantation at last!

We arrived in Montgomery this past Monday and will be here until the 12th. I had a long list of things that we needed to take care of while here and this week we got most of them done. We also spent time with our granddaughter Morgan. She is growing so fast. She just turned 11 in May but sometimes you would think she was much older. But on the other hand, there are times when I still see the little girl in her. She is just so sweet, but then she is my granddaughter and I could be accused of being prejudice. We said goodbye to her last night as she had to go back to her Mother's to get ready for a camp next week. She does have a softball game tonight and tomorrow night so we may see her there although because of a hurt ankle, she will not be playing. Later this summer she is going to cheerleader camp, which when you listen to her that is what she really want to do - be a cheerleader. I'm hoping that my son will send some pictures of her doing cheers - if so, I'll post them here.

Morgan and Hops - Hops will be traveling with us this Summer and Fall since Morgan cannot. Watch for pictures of where he will show up.

We are going to a flea market tomorrow in Santuck (not sure of the spelling). It start around 6 am, but that's a little early for me so we are going around 7 am. From what I've been told, it closes about 11 am as it's outdoors and gets hot and the crowd leaves by then. I'll try to remember to take my camera - I've gotten out of the habit of having it with me at all times and need to get back to remembering.

This weekend we are meeting up with the couple who purchased our Mobile Suite from Lazydays to give them a few items that we had taken out and stored. From the emails I've received, they are very happy with it. I'm glad for them. We certainly enjoyed it while we had it and there are times that I wonder if we did make the right move to a motorhome.

Next week we will spend time getting ready to move on Thursday to Flint Creek Park in Wiggins, MS. Dean's four kids, Terry, Tim, Robin & Krystal along with spouses will be there along with Dean's ex-wife and her hubby. Not to worry, we are friends. We will be having a picnic together on Saturday. We are really looking forward to spending time with the kids!

See ya down the road........


At 6/6/08 6:29 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I'm not used to seeing your motor home. Looks good. But putting gas in it!!! Don't forget your camera. I enjoy your pictures.
Happy Trails.

At 7/6/08 8:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great picture of your new home! And I just love your front plate!
Thanks for keeping it on the road! Hope you have lots of fun traveling this summer. I'll be tagging along...via your blog.
Love you both,


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