Addendum to my previous post.
Governor Huckabee pulled well over the required 20% of the vote in Alabama that will enable my daughter to attend the Republican National Convention in Minn./St. Paul as a delegate.
She is, to say the least, very excited about having the opportunity to take an active part in the nomination for the next Republican canidate for President of the United States. This is not something that everyone gets to do and she is very humbled that she has the opportunity.
We are so very happy for her. We know that she will follow her heart and her moral values in casting her ballot for nomination. Her first ballot will be for Huckabee, since she is a delegate for him, but if he doesn't pull enough delegates, she will be free to vote as she see's fit.
Her proud parents had to brag a little.
sounds great. what a great country.
Please congratulate your daughter for us, Janice. What an honor!
Thanks Ava and Dale. Suze reads the blog so she has seen your comments and says thanks.
be very proud of your kids. I will be going home by the 1st of march. Got to get a couple of items on the rv fixed when I get back. In the mean time congrats on the "new" bus and enjoy the "light side" after leaving the "dark side".
be safe and have lots of fun...
Congratulations Suze.. How exciting...I hope you have a great time in our home state and that the weather warms up for you before your trip...
Janice, your new home looks awesome... Can't wait to see it.
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