Another Circle Completed
We arrived back in S. Alabama on Sunday afternoon. The next day we had a unwanted visitor - Hurricane IDA. What a welcome that was. It wasn't bad, thank goodness, a lot of rain on Monday night and Tuesday morning and then the wind began Tuesday afternoon and is still blowing this morning. Last night was the worst of the wind and we pulled the one slide in. It was on the north side and that was the direction the wind was coming from. We wanted to save the slide topper!
This morning the sun is out and the sky is clear. As soon as the wind stops it will be beautiful. Highs in the 70's and lows in the 50's - perfect weather.
Backing up just a little, we had a nice two week visit in Montgomery. There were several things that we needed to get done while there such as getting Dean to the dentist to get the top denture aligned - done and it seems like it is much better. Now to get him to quit slurring his words! We also had to renew our tag for the motorhome. Every time this comes around I wonder why we never moved our residency to Texas!!! If I had a crystal ball and could see the future and how much longer we will be traveling, I would still give it some serious thought! Just hate to move and then have to come off the road and move everything back to Alabama.
One of the highlights while in Montgomery was getting to finally see my granddaughter Morgan cheer! She has been cheering for two years and this was the first time we were in town for a game. She is such a natural at it. This year she is a flyer and the first time that they threw her in the air I held my breath till she was caught! Dang, she is so cute! I just loved watching her. Am I prejudice - YEP!!!
Anyway, as I said, we are back south now and getting ready for all the doctor visits. Will have to wait and see what the outcome is. Dean has two this week and two next week and I have one next week. I did weigh him yesterday and he has lost more weight. Something just isn't right and we need to find out what it is!!!
I won't be posting often now. Since we are parked there won't be much "travel" news to report on. Do check back now and then to see if anything exciting has happened.
Until the next time - Safe travels!