Dolphin Watch Cruise
Today dawned a beautiful day and finally just a little breeze. Today was dolphin watch cruise day...
The first picture you see is Mickey and Patti on the bow of the boat. We were lucky as the cruise that we took only had about 10 people on it, so it was not crowded at all. On our way out to where we would see the dolphins I got a good picture of a formation of ducks - see picture below.

We got to the area where the dolphins were supposed to be and there was only one that occasionally broke surface. The captain said he would take us out to the breakers as it was deeper water and there were often dolphin out there. Well, there were a few more there, but as you can see by the pictures below, the dolphins were playing shy. They surfaced only slightly, no jumping and would only hang around the boat for a short period of time.

It was fun looking for them though and the scenery was really pretty. You could see the surf breaking on the beach at S. Padre Island, see below. Honestly, it was great being on the water again. I have forgotten how much I miss it. I told Dean that it's time for a real cruise!

That para-sailer was up high. Rather him than me.
That's all for now.... Oh, one more thing. I'm finding that on a lot of the pictures I post, you can click on the picture and it will enlarge. Give it a try.
Hey Mom Mom & Pop Pop!!
I love the pictures of the dolphins, looks like you are having a great time in Texas. I am looking forward to seeing you at Uncle T's wedding and spending two weeks with you this summer.
I Love You! See you soon!
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