Bad Hair Day - Good Friends - Great Burgers
Dean and I both went for a haircut (add a perm for me) today. Dean got a good haircut, but then there isn't much one can do to mess his up except to maybe cut it all off. Me on the other hand, I got the absolutely worst haircut ever! The perm is OK, at least at this point I think it is, but oh my goodness, the haircut. The back is a zig-zag mess cut to short and the sides come down to my ears! Needless to say, I'll be looking to get it cut again in a couple of weeks, after the back grows a little. I guess I will not complain to loudly as this is the first bad cut I've had since being on the road.
Later in the afternoon we drove to St. Paris to check out this campground everyone keeps talking about - Camp PullTab. Well, just a little short on amenities, but really nice folks that own it. They even let you park inside the "recreation building" if you fit!
It was soooo good to see Tab and Deanna again. We haven't seen them since last year at the Escapade - wow time flies! Ken and Kathy we there also. This was the first that we had met them since we didn't make it to the Q last January. Ken's a really nice guy - Kathy and I got off on the wrong foot - she came up and said "You Must Be Deanna's Mother"!!!!! We all got a big laugh out of that and poor Kathy, her face was so red. I wish I would have had my camera just then to take a picture. Seriously, we all hit it off just great! But Kathy should be prepared, I'll not let her live it down. Humm, I wonder if it was the bad haircut, gosh I hope it doesn't make me look OLDER!
Here are pics of Ken and Kathy and Tab and Deanna at Camp PullTab.

We all sat around and talked and finally the chef got busy cooking (that would be Tab). We had a feast of hamburgers, hot dogs, yummy corn on the cob, a salad that I can't remember the name of, but it was good, chips, dip etc., etc. After we ate, the guys drifted off talking "guy" stuff. Us gals ended up reading Patti's latest emails that she had send Deanna. The three of us laughed so hard at the 30 Lines we were crying - Thanks Patti!
Dean and I left Camp PullTab around 9 pm to drive back to WP. As we were driving through the base headed for the FamCamp we had a fire truck head out in front of us, going the same direction that we were going. I didn't give it much thought as this is a very large base. We we about a half mile from the FamCamp and here comes an ambulance from behind. Of course I pull over to let it pass still not to concerned. Well, we come around a curve in the road where you can see the FamCamp and there sits two fire trucks and the ambulance - right behind our MS! Talk about heart being to pound. Seems that someone that is parked in the row behind us had a breathing problem and had called the base emergency number. Why the fire trucks - I don't know. I do know that we had arrived home around 10 pm and it was close to 11 pm before they left. I talked to our neighbor and they said that the camper had just come in that afternoon (we were not home then). We did hear one of the med-techs comment about someone having shortness of breath as he was talking to the hospital. The ambulance left with someone in it and the spouse followed in their vehicle. I see that the vehicle is parked in front of the motorhome this morning, so maybe we will find out what happened. What ever and who ever I pray that they are OK.
This is going to be a very interesting two weeks here at Wright Patterson. Every morning at 7:30 they play Rivalry over the base PA system. Most bases that we have stayed at you can just barely hear it, but here - there must be a speaker right at the FamCamp - it's loud. No sleeping in, that's for sure.
7:30??? Man, I'd hate getting woke up that early.
You're so welcome!!!
Hooray - no wake up call on the weekends!!!
reminds me of the time when I was...
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