Quartzsite, AZ
Yesterday morning we drove from Yuma to Quartzsite, AZ to meet up with other members of the Graduating Class of '05 and to do some shopping at the Big Tent RV Show.
The drive to Quartzsite was, well, in a few words, long and boring. It's about 80 miles of almost straight road through the Arizona desert, a lot of which was actually the Yuma Proving Grounds. The traffic was really the highlight of the drive - going south was a continuous line of RV's of all sizes and shapes. The hills and mountains were interesting and this one, Castle Dome was one of the more unusual.

We found the Class of '05 and visited with everyone, seeing old friends and making new ones. What a great bunch of people. They had their rigs all facing in toward the fire ring, kinda like spokes on a wheel. There were probably 20+ rigs in this circle, some of whom were not members of the '05 class, but family and friends. Looked like a lot of fun, BUT, I still have no desire to boondock. Call me sissy, but I like my amenities. We had one of the family members take a picture of the group. Do you recognize anyone?

Dean attempted to take a couple of pictures of the Quartzsite area that would show a sampling of just how many RV's are there. Unfortunately, the pictures just didn't do it justice. I'm putting the best one here - looking from the west to the east. Just about anything you see that is white is rv's. It is said that there are close to or over 100,000 at the peak time during the RV show. Be sure and click on the picture to enlarge it.

In the afternoon we went to the Big Tent. We didn't purchase anything, but did pick up some great information (free) on British Columbia and Alaska that will be a help in planning our trip this summer. We met up with our friends, Jake and Nancy, for a few minutes - they were busy looking at motorhomes. I think the next time we see them, they will not be in a Mobile Suite 5th wheel anymore, but an Allegro Pheaton!
After walking through the tent and some of the other vendor area, we drove over to LaMesa RV dealership to look at the Allegro's ourselves - NO - we didn't buy. Just wanted to see what kind of prices they had. Since we haven't looked anywhere else, the prices seemed to be very good, but will have to hold judgment until we price the same units someplace else. Ever since we've seen Terry & Dale's Pheaton, I've fallen in love with them. Now, another set of friends will have one, oh me, it's getting harder to resist!! I even went on line and checked the NADA on our Mobile Suite and truck this morning. Gotta stop this insanity - don't want the RV bug.
Dean drove back to Yuma so I got to watch the scenery - hah! We stopped at Da Boyz for some pasta and arrived home around six very tired. It was a long, but happy, fun filled day.
See ya next time.......