Saturday, May 30, 2009

Moving Day Tomorrow

Well, I think that everything is fixed and ready to go. The refrig. is running and the ice maker has made one dump of ice and appears to be working OK. I'm so ready to get out of Montgomery again! Seems like we picked "Murphy" up at the city limits and he just wanted to hang with us. I put my foot down this morning and when the service technician left I told him "take him with you and lock him in another RV on your lot". He laughed and said OK, so hopefully we are done with him for awhile.

In about a hour my granddaughter will be arriving to get settled in for three weeks. I only hope we can keep her busy enough, so that she doesn't get bored. Keeping up with her will be a real challenge because my right leg has been giving me some problems and when it comes to walking long distances, well, forget it! I can as long as I can take a break. My only concern is the surprise we have in store for her next Saturday. There will be a lot of walking involved and I'll do it if it means taking a bottle of Tylenol - LOL. Can't say what it is because she might see this. I know it's something that will make her very excited when she finds out.

We will be going as far as Fair Play, SC tomorrow, staying at a 1000 Trails Park overnight. After that we may Wal-Mart it for two nights. We will be staying at another 1000 Trails Park in Hershey, PA until a week from this coming Saturday.

I probably won't be posting again until after we arrive in PA. So, safe travels my friends and see ya down the road!

UPDATE: Morgan is all settled in and sleeping on the sofa/bed as I type this. We will be leaving in about two hours. Her Daddy and her had a semi-tearful farewell last evening as I'm sure she did with her Mom. But, she is so excited about the trip. Funny, I hadn't noticed till last evening how much she is really growing up. She just turned 12 and is quite the young lady, but I guess us grandparents want to keep they small forever! I foresee a memorable trip ahead and one that I hope will create memories for her that she will remember long after Dean and I are gone.


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