Sunday, December 18, 2005

December 18, 2005

OK, it's time to catch up.

We had our fifth wheel totally checked out and had just a couple of minor items that needed corrected and one major one. One of the bolts that holds the springs on the frame had broke and was hanging in very precariously. I hate to think what could have happened on the highway if it had broke. Our guardian angel has certainly been watching over us.

We moved to Montgomery, Al on December 15th. We are staying at Maxwell AFB Famcamp. We are parked next to a couple that we met at Rainbow Plantation a little over a month ago. They are also fulltimers. They are a really nice couple and I'm sure that we will be "running" into them again in the future.

My daughter, Suze, performes in her churches "Living Christmas Tree" every year and this year was no exception. The performance was really great. We don't attend every year, so when we do it makes it even more special for us. I'm posting a picture of the "tree" at Montgomery First Baptist Church.

We went to church with my son David, and his family this morning. Spent the day visiting and catching up. This evening we went back to Perry Hill UMC where my son and family attend to the childrens Christmas program. My granddaughter Morgan performed. Of course she was the prettiest girl there, but then I'm prejudice - LOL. I'm posting two pictures of her. The first one is her reading, she is beside the little one that is looking to the side and the second is in front of the Christmas Tree in the church.

This next week will be spent getting ready for Christmas. It will be at Suze's house with my son, David and family, Dean's son Terry and his friend and Dean's daughter Krystal and her husband ED and my Dad. We will have a house full, but lots of fun and good food.

I'll probably not post before Christmas so I would like to take this time to wish everyone who visits this journal a Very Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Monday, December 12, 2005

We finally moved! I was beginning to think that our 5er tires had grown roots at Rainbow Plantation, Summerdale, AL. Not that it's not a nice park but....

We are now in Pensacola, FL at Carpenters Campers. The Mobile Suites is having her checkup. This is in preperation for our trip out west in January. We are actually parked in what they call their "campground" which is really just part of the service lot. There is electric and water, so I'll not complain.

I'm going to take advantage of being in Pensacola and finish up my Christmas shopping. There are so many stores here that I didn't have access to in Summerdale. I could really go crazy shopping, but I must remember the "one thing in, one thing out" rule. Poor Dean, I bring in and out goes his stuff!

We are hoping to be out of here by Friday - time will tell.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

December 4, 2005

Well, I've been asked - Where are you? Guess I still have a little to learn about blogging.....

We are currently at Rainbow Plantation, Summerdale, AL. We will be here until December 12th finishing up the Dr. appointments, spending time with old friends and listening to Dean sing in the Christmas Cantata at church.

On December 12th we are taking our home to the Dr. - Carpenters RV in Pensacola for a overall checkup before heading out west.

Check back soon for more updates.

For those who have not seen our new home - here it is. Purty, ain't it?

Saturday, December 03, 2005

December 3, 2005

As a test, I am inserting a picture of Dean, me, my Dad, our kids and two of the grandkids. This was taken on Memorial Day, when they came to the stick and brick house to clean us out! That's our new home sweet home in the background.
Back row - David, Harris, Tim, Cheryl, Terry, Ed, Krystal. Middle row - Denise, Morgan (the little one) and Suze. Sitting - John (my Dad), me and Dean.

Christmas is certainly creeping up on us. Dean and I went shopping today and have completed the gift buying process - now to wrap.

It was hard to get into the Christmas spirit today as the temperature was in the 70's with a beautiful blue, sunny sky. Not at all like the Christmas shopping weather I remember as a child in Pennsylvania - burrrr. It certainly did a lot to put you in the mood for Christmas though. I miss the "old" days of shopping downtown and looking at the animated displayes in the department store windows - where have they gone?

We are still at Rainbow Plantation in Summerdale, AL. Looks like we will be here until December 16th, then we head for Pensacola, FL to Carpenters Campers for some routine maintenance work on the Mobile Suite. Since we purchased it "pre-loved" we don't know much about what maintenance was done on it, so we are going to have it completely checked over before heading west.

Just a few more doctor appointments to get out of the way. I'm so looking forward to the day we can say no appointments, we're free (well, at least until next years checkups).