Where We Have Been

I thought it would be neat to show a map of the states that we have actually camped in to date. That is, camped in since we purchased our Mobile Suite and have been full-timing. There are a few states that we have driven through, but not stayed overnight in so they are not colored in.
I will update this every couple of months, as it changes, so you can see how much of the U.S. we have covered. Enjoy!
I can't believe I was just going to ask you how many states you have been too. The map idea is great.
Where's Hawaii on the map???? Aren't you going to go there too? (LOL!)
Can't believe you've stayed in that many states already. You should have spent one night though in Conn., Mass., and RI, so you won't have to go back. But I know you want to so you can get to Canada up there.
Keep having fun and STAY AWAY from those casinos!
Love ya,
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