Friends, RV Show And.....
We are now back at the 1000 Trails Orlando park. Last week sure flew by quickly.
Monday (I think that was the day), we met up with Bill and Helen from the '05 Class at the Villages. We had lunch at a place called something Flats - the featured items were served on flat bread. It was different, but not something I would want often. I had the chicken Parmesan but personally, I thought the taste was bland. Oh well, you never know till you try it - right? After lunch we walked the village browsing the shops and admiring the at very different golf carts. It's always a enjoyable time with Bill & Helen.
My Chicken Parmesan Flat....
Helen & Bill - lookin good!
We left here on Wednesday morning heading to Tampa Fairgrounds and the Super RV Show Rally. Much to our dismay, after getting registered and parked, we found that there was no electric available yet. Of course, it was the one time we don't have our generator with us. We were told that the "contractors" were in the process of running the lines and we should be up and running by mid-afternoon. With that thought in mind we decided to go on into the fairgrounds and get a preview.
We walked most of the grounds looking from the outside at everything from a teardrop trailer to a gorgeous Marathon Class A. Needless to say till we returned to the MS our feet were tired, along with the rest of our body.
Just a sampling of the RV show....
This one is for Tab - agree?
Getting back to the MS, we discovered there was still no electric! We talked to a couple of other attendees and were told that the "sponsor" of the rally took the lower bid and it was not the same company that had done such a great job the previous years. Rumor had it, that the lowest bid contractor was fired around 2:30 pm and the previous contractor was contacted and asked to please help! Our neighbor had a Honda 3000 genny and kindly offered to let us hook up to it, which we did. Finally, around 8:30 pm we were connected to the rally electricity! A big thanks to our neighbor at the rally!
The next day we caught up with Byron and Linda Landry that we met while at the Tiffin plant in Red Bay, AL. We had lunch at the Spaghetti Warehouse - we had a coupon for 2 dinners for I believe it was $10.00. Anyway we enjoyed a good lunch and great conversation, as they are also looking to move to the "dark side" going from a 5'er to a motorhome.
The next couple of days were spent between the RV show and Lazydays, wearing us out every day.
Sunday morning we hooked up and headed back to 1000 Trails Orlando for the remainder of our Florida stay, making a quick stop back at Lazyday's.
Yes, we did find a motorhome that we both liked. Do we have it - no, not yet. Are we getting it - well I hope so. Seems for some reason, it's harder to do business when your financial institute is in another state. I spend what seemed like hours on the phone today between Lazyday's and Pen Air Credit Union. Hopefully everything will be ready on Thursday or Friday. Right now we are scheduled to go back to Lazyday's on Thursday to finish up the paperwork and swap personal belongings between the MS and the - OK, here it is - Allegro Bus. I just hate talking about it, as I feel like it will jinx it.
Tomorrow we are meeting Terry & Dale for lunch near Orlando. They are there for a Freightliner rally - maybe next year we can go since the bus is on a Freightliner chassis. We will be picking their brains for any info that they have obtained at the seminars they attended today. Also packing tips since they own a Phaeton which is almost identical in floor plan to the bus.
Well, that about catches up with us for now. Will post after we return to Alabama on how the trip back there went in our new to us motorhome. We will witness first hand what it is like to be "on the dark side" LOL.
One more thing. If you are reading this, please say a quick prayer for my sister, Judi. She starts her chemo tomorrow and is really scared. Her schedule is three days every three weeks for four sessions. Thanks.
I'm going to say congrats!!! I don't believe in jinx you see. If something gets in the way of a plan, it probably is for a good reason. I think all will go just as you wish.
Thanks - Now all I need it time to travel in it!
We are so excited for you...I'm sure everything will be fine...what year is it and what floor plan did you get? How long is it? etc etc ....Can't wait to see it
N ancy & Jake
Our prays are with your sister.
Can't wait to see pictures of your new motor home inside and outside. Is it longer? Are you doing to drive it? Are you going to tow?
Details!!! We need details! Don't leave us hanging! :-) Can't wait to see photos and hear all about your new home.
Thoughts and prayers for your sister also. Our son-in-law went through chemo. It is a rough trip, but worth it in the end.
Keep in touch.
Details are coming - hang tight!
My sister and I both appreciate the prayers.
I can't wait to see the pictures of your "bus".
Send some warmth up this way please! It has been anywhere from 10 - 35 degrees. ITS FREEZING COLD!!!!!!!!
Prayers to your sister.All will go well. Congrats on the new home and yes more pictures are a must. We liked the pictureof this ones for Tab. Have seen them and they are cute,just a little to small for us. Miss you both and big hugs to both of you.
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