Friday, February 22, 2008

Nothing New Here

Hi Everyone,

Thought I would post a "nothing new here" update.

My Dad is about the same, not much change on a overall basis. He is trying, bless his heart, to do what he is told, like eating and drinking as much as he can, and testing his sugar levels. Some days he doesn't do bad, but then there are other days that he forgets. I ordered him a new sugar level tester and he loves it. I am so glad to see him excited about something, even if it is a new meter. He called me just a little while ago wondering when I was picking him up. You see, tomorrow we are taking him out to eat at his favorite catfish house. Well, this afternoon he took a nap and when he woke up, he thought it was Saturday already. I had a hard time convincing him that it was still Friday. He finally realized it when I told him to look at the clock. And the beat goes on and on and on........

My sister has had her second session of chemo. She seems to be handling it very well. No major nausea problems and she is getting around pretty well in spite of her broken leg. I have been trying to encourage her into looking into assisted living while she is on chemo. Living with her 20 year old son is not working out as well as we all had hoped it would. People coming and going all the time including small kids. She had no immunity system and is so fearful of catching something from someone. Unfortunately, her shopping habits really haven't changed so moving into assisted living could pose a money issue for her. She has my son handling her finances right now (actually just paying the bills) and I told her she needed to talk to him to see if it was possible for her to afford the move. She really needs to be somewhere that there are caregivers available 24 hours a day. Time will tell.

We are settling very nicely into our new home. I believe I'm finally going to find a home for everything and we are working at getting the basement cleaned out. Just need a few nice days with no rain and no doctor appointments!

So, nothing really new to report here, but at least you know that we are alive and well.

Safe travels to all of you that are on the road - I'm jealous.

Thursday, February 07, 2008


Addendum to my previous post.

Governor Huckabee pulled well over the required 20% of the vote in Alabama that will enable my daughter to attend the Republican National Convention in Minn./St. Paul as a delegate.

She is, to say the least, very excited about having the opportunity to take an active part in the nomination for the next Republican canidate for President of the United States. This is not something that everyone gets to do and she is very humbled that she has the opportunity.

We are so very happy for her. We know that she will follow her heart and her moral values in casting her ballot for nomination. Her first ballot will be for Huckabee, since she is a delegate for him, but if he doesn't pull enough delegates, she will be free to vote as she see's fit.

Her proud parents had to brag a little.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

My Two Politicians

On an upbeat note, today my son and daughter helped with the Gov. Huckabee compaign stop in Montgomery, AL. My daughter is deeply involved with the County and State Republican Club in Alabama and will be a delegate to the Republican Convention this year if Gov. Huckabee pulls 20% in Tuesdays primary. She has met him previously along with several other canidates.

When finding out that Gov. Huckabee was coming to Montgomery, she and my son volunteered their help. To their surprise, Chuck Norris and his wife were also coming with the governor. My daughter was a co-coordinator for the event and my son was security for Gov. Huckabee along with the secret service assigned to him. What a honor! Needless to say, my son was thrilled.

Unfortunately he was unable to get a picture with Gov. Huckabee, but he and my daughter both had their picture taken with Chuck Norris.

When I talked to him this evening I could still hear the excitement in his voice.

Here is David with Chuck Norris.....

And then there is Suze with Chuck Norris.....

This one of Suze and Gov. Huckabee was taken earlier this year....

I keep telling my daughter if she is not careful she will be on the ballot for governor of Alabama - LOL.