Helen/Delonega Georgia & Babyland
Sunday we drove to Dillard, Ga to the Dillard House Restaurant. Very good food, just a little pricey. The view from the restaurant was really nice.

After dinner we drove to Helen. On the way we passed Unicoi State Park and stopped at the lake.

Helen was very busy even though it was mid-afternoon when we arrived. The Shriners were in town along with a lot of motorcycle riders. We only did one side of the town and will go back another day to do the other side. It's really neat how they have made the town look so German.

Yesterday we went to Delonega to mine for gemstones. Morgan did very good with her bucket, while I did lousy! Of course I gave her the little bit I found. She did get some very nice rubies, some rose quartz and a variety of other semi-precious gemstones.

Today we were going to do a train ride, but the weather was not very good so we decided to go to Babyland General Hospital (this is where they make Cabbage Patch Dolls). We had a very nice time there and of course Morgan wanted several! The collectible dolls start at $175 and go up! A newborn is around $285. Of course we walked out with a dozen - yea right!
Here's Morgan with a newborn from the nursery.

Here is a baby being "born".

Morgan and her Pop-pop posing as chickens!

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