Baskets, Country Stores and Trains
Yesterday morning dawned a beautiful day. Temperatures were in the mid 60's early in the morning and by mid-day the high was in the mid 80's. This is more like it. As I'm writing now, the temperature outside it 61. This is great!
We are staying at the Battleboro KOA - a nice, well maintained and quiet park. We don't usually stay at KOA's but this one was recommended by a friend and although a little more expensive, it was very clean and well kept.

We started yesterday morning by going up the road to Putney, VT to Basketville. You certainly couldn't "put all your eggs in one basket" there - to many to choose from. Not only baskets but a large assortment of kitchen things and candles - that's Yankee Candles. Their factory is just south of here, but since my daughter-in-law makes candles we aren't going there. Back to the baskets - if you are looking for a certain type of basket, you will most likely find it here. We saw them from a 6' fish to a 12" round. I've been looking for a small one to put outgoing mail etc. in and finally found one that I really like. Here is a picture of it. I figure the hooks will come in handy for spare keys etc. Now to get Dean to hang it! Prices at Basketville - I found them to be very reasonable, not at all expensive like some other brands. LATE EDIT - The basket is hung!

Our next stop was the Vermont Country Store. We visited the one in Rockingham, VT. This place had a lot of hard to find items, especially in the toy section. We spent 30 minutes looking at some of the toys going "I remember playing with this when I was a kid". Looking for Lincoln Logs for your grandchild - they have them. They also have clothing, candy (by the piece), jellies, sauces, cookies, crackers, cheese, maple syrup, drinks, and toiletries of which I haven't seen since I was a kid. In the candy section, you can buy it by the piece or pound. Make the candy section your first stop - get a few pieces of what you think you want, then eat them while looking around. That way you can go back and get a pound! I found "chocolate babies" that I love and haven't seen in way to many years to tell - LOL!! It was really a step back in time and I would recommend no less than an hour so you can really look at everything. There are also a lot of artifacts of years gone by to look at and "remember when"!

This is a picture of the main building - there are two other sections, not pictured here. There are rockers on the porch and picnic tables and swings. A really neat place to visit.
We had lunch - Dean had hot dogs and I had a grilled cheese (I know, not gourmet eating) at the Bellows Falls Country Club. It is located just across the highway from the Vermont Country Store, but you can't see it - no signs and it's hidden. A clerk at the store told us about it. It really wasn't much of a building, but they had a pro-shop, a bar and eating area. The menu really surprised me - very large with a wide variety to choose from - snacks to full meals. Here is the view from our table.

On our way to Bellows Falls we passed this old church and of course I had to stop and take a picture. It dates back to the 1700's - it's amazing that it is still there!

At Bellows Falls we waited at the old train depot for The Green Mountain Railroad trail to arrive. I'm not sure it's age, but it was certainly old fashioned inside - wooded floors, wooden benches and a nice clock that didn't work anymore. After about a half hour wait, here came the train.

The Green Mountain Flyer train ride was nice. We started out riding alongside the Connecticut River...

then went along a Williams River...

to Chester, VT.

Along the way we passed a covered bridge..

Went past a waterfall and gorge at Brockway Mills......

and a farmhouse that was used as a stagecoach stop...

Today (Thursday) is moving day and we are going to Pine Valley RV Resort at Quechee, VT. Before hitching up, we made a trip into Putney for breakfast and a trip to the General Store. Another "old" building that originally was used as a grist mill. Here are a couple of pictures of the store - front and back, and the stream.

We have seen such pretty scenery already, I can't believe we have only been here two days. I have to wonder if anything can top it. Check back and see.....
Love the basket!! And when you run out of candles just let me know and I will ship them to you!! LOL!! Can't have you buying Yankee Candles! Be on the lookout for lighthouses as you get closer to Maine. Thanks for the great pics, it's ALMOST (not quite)like being there. Have fun!
Love Y'all
I just knew Denise would say something about the candles!
I think Dad must have gotten the vibes when you were writing about him hanging that basket, which by the way is cute.
Vermont looks beautiful. Can't wait to see more. And yea, I want to see lighthouses too!
Love ya,
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