Wasn't On Our Schedule!
Yesterday we were scheduled to take the "Notch Train" from Conway, NH. God had other plans for us, or should I say me. We spent several early morning hours at the local Emergency Room. During the day Thursday, I noticed that my right hip and leg were beginning to hurt. By Thursday night is was very painful and I figured I had a pinched nerve. Friday day and night I self doctored with Advil and Tylenol. Didn't help much at all. By 6 AM Saturday morning I knew that I needed something more potent. The diagnosis was a pinched sciatica. Yesterday after getting back home, I slept most of the day. That felt good after two nights of not very much sleep. Woke up this morning feeling much better so of course I over did and now it's bothering me again! When will I learn? Anyway, we are grounded until the hip/leg pain goes away as it bothers me to sit for very long and riding in the truck is out for now.
At least we have a pretty view here at Rogers Campground.
Here are a couple of pictures of our site.

This is a view of Mt. Washington from our dining window. Wish my camera had a better zoom. You can see the observatory with binoculars along with the train and auto's on the road going up. We are about 20 miles from the mountain.

These pictures are more of the mountain range to the right and left of Mt. Washington.

What a beautiful day it is. Temperature at 12 noon is 70 degrees with clear skies. Supposed to be in the high 50's tonight. At least we are grounded in a cool place!
Sciatica nerves are really painful. I had a problem with that when I was pregnant with my firstborn. I went to a chiropractor and he adjusted me. I didn't have a problem with it again! If it keeps on bothering you check into a chiropractor!
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