On Saturday, Suze drove down from Montgomery to attend a party/baby shower at Shane (my nephew) and Stephanie's house. It was mostly family with a few of their friends. I wondered how awkward it would be since Shane's mother (my sister) and his dad and stepmother where going to be in attendance. There hasn't been a good relationship there if you get my drift! Fortunately, everyone was cordial and even friendly. Thank goodness because I'm one that is really sick and tired of drama! People just need to let the past in the past and move on.
Anyway, we had a pleasant afternoon visiting with Shane, Stephanie, Judi, Shannon (my neice), Brad (my nephew-in-law), Keith (the ex) and Lynn (the stepmom). Stephanie's mother was there along with her friend and a couple of Shane's friends. We had a good meal of hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, beans, stuffed eggs, chips and dips. Keith and Lynn brought a couple of bottles of a delicious wine - Moscato D'Asti by Bevlamo. It was the best Asti wine that I've ever had. I really need to get me a bottle of it so when I'm stressed, I can relax!!
Stephanie received several nice baby gifts to add to the collection that she had from previous baby showers. She is due anytime within the next two weeks and even though she is very pregnant, she doesn't even look it from behind, it's all up front!
Here's a couple of pictures of the parents to be....

Waiting for Hayleigh Marie Hughes to make her appearance.....
There are more pictures on my Picasa web site.
Yesterday we went to church at Marlow UMC - we actually moved our church membership there yesterday. It is a small country church located very close to Rainbow Plantation with some of the friendliest people - maybe because half the congregation is made up of RV'ers or ex-RV'ers from the Plantation and the other half just nice folk!
It started raining right after church so the rest of the day was spent being lazy including some zzzz's for Dean.
Today we are packing up, hitching the toad and heading up I-65 to Montgomery for two weeks where we will prepare for our trip north to Pennsylvania with our granddaughter Morgan. I understand that she is excited, as are we, to be having this time with our granddaughter.
It will be a busy two weeks filled with dentist appointments for Dean, hair appointments for me, repair appointments for the motorhome (we need a new tail light assembly and a slide coil and didn't have time to get it done at Carpenters in Pensacola), getting Morgan's "things" packed somewhere?? - I'll make room and enjoying time with Suze and David since we won't be back until November.
So - See ya down the road......